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Troop 224 – Dec ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a parent meeting Monday night, December 4th, to discuss upcoming plans.

December Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge

The December advancement theme is winter camping

Winter Camping  – MeritBadgeDotOrg


September Camping

The December outing is a backpacking trip to Grayson Highlands State Park .

The 224 adults are tracking the weather for this upcoming weekend to Mount Rogers.  The trip will remain as scheduled unless the roads are unsafe.  At that point we will reevaluate our destination. Please ensure you boys pack accordingly for the trip as there could be below freezing temperatures. This will be a great weekend to be out and we will ensure everyone has the gear they need.  If you are going you MUST bring your pack tonight (Dec 4th). 

Christmas Holiday Break

Image result for boy scouts christmasNo, we will not be holding our weekly meeting on Christmas night or New Years day!   Enjoy celebrating the holiday with your family.





New Photos Posted

There are no new picture posted this month on the website photo album.

If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul

Boy Scouts Troop 224 is now registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program

kroger logoFor those who shop at Kroger, you probably know the Kroger makes contributions to local non profit organizations throughout their service areas via the Kroger Community Rewards (KCR). Boy Scout Troop 224 has now completed registering with the KCR Program.

Scouting families, friends and relatives can select the Troop as the local organization that will benefit from their shopping at Kroger. The KCR award amount is based on the number of families who link their Kroger Plus card to the BSA Troop 224 account and the amount of shopping while using the Kroger Plus card. Past experience with another non profit organization with a modest number of families linking their cards was quite positive. Funds received from Kroger will go toward Troop operations and scouting activities for our boys.

The instructions here describe how to link your Kroger Plus card number to the Troop.

Questions? Contact Cam Hubbard, Troop Treasurer.

Troop 224 November ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

We did not have a parent meeting last month but  we will be a 30 minute meeting tonight at 7 PM for committee members and parents.

November Advancement Theme

Climbing Badge
August advancement theme is Climbing.

Climbing – MeritBadgeDotOrg


November Camping

The November outing will be a trip to Frozen Head State Park Nov 18th – 19th.  Details are still being finalized.

New Photos Posted

There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by some of our leaders that are now also available on the Troop website.  Be sure to check them out!

Backpacking at Bob's Bald, October 2017
Backpacking at Bob’s Bald, October 2017

Boy Scouts Troop 224 is now registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program

kroger logoFor those who shop at Kroger, you probably know the Kroger makes contributions to local non profit organizations throughout their service areas via the Kroger Community Rewards (KCR). Boy Scout Troop 224 has now completed registering with the KCR Program.

Scouting families, friends and relatives can select the Troop as the local organization that will benefit from their shopping at Kroger. The KCR award amount is based on the number of families who link their Kroger Plus card to the BSA Troop 224 account and the amount of shopping while using the Kroger Plus card. Past experience with another non profit organization with a modest number of families linking their cards was quite positive. Funds received from Kroger will go toward Troop operations and scouting activities for our boys.

The instructions here describe how to link your Kroger Plus card number to the Troop.

Questions? Contact Cam Hubbard, Troop Treasurer.

Troop 224 Recharter Event Starts November 6th, 2017

The annual chartering of the Troop and renewal of registration of every scout and
adult leader will begin at the November 6th regular Troop 224 meeting and Troop
Committee meeting at Grace Lutheran Church. As part of the annual chartering
each family and adult leader will be asked to fill out a contact information sheet.
Good News!! The registration fee has been reduced to $75 per youth scout for the
2018 scout year. More Good News!! Many scouts participated in community
service at the Oak Ridge Rowing Association (ORRA) regattas throughout the rowing
season. Each scout who participated earned a Service Hours Credit that will be used
to further reduce his yearly registration fee. The Service Hours Credit for each scout
was based on the number of hours provided by that scout. The specific credit for
each scout will be on the reregistration form handed out November 6th.
Please return the form by December 4th, 2017.

Note – Re-registration forms will be handed out at the November 6th meeting of the
Troop Committee and to Scouts at the end of the regular Troop meeting. In addition,
the forms will be available at each Troop meeting in November, and the forms will
be posted on our web site under Resources along with a summary of the Service
Hours Credit for each scouts who participated in the service to the ORRA.

Contact Cam Hubbard,
Treasurer, at if you have any questions.

Troop 224 October ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a 30 minute meeting tonight at 7 PM for committee members and parents.

October Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge
August advancement theme is Cooking as it relates to backpacking.

Cooking – MeritBadgeDotOrg

October Camping

The October outing will be backpacking trip.  Details are still being finalized.

New Photos Posted

There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by some of our leaders that are now also available on the Troop website.  Be sure to check them out!

Biking and Camping at Big South Fork
Biking and Camping at Big South Fork, Sep 2017

Grace Lutheran Annual Pet Fest

Troop 224 plays a large part in supporting the Grace Lutheran Church Pet Fest that will be held on Saturday October 7, 2017 from 1 to 5 PM. Scouts will be need to be there early in the day to help set up and to assist during the day.  Make sure to sign up for some time at the meeting tonight.

Details can be found here Grace Lutheran Pet Fest 2016

Troop 224 – Sep ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a parent meeting Monday night, Sept 11, to discuss upcoming plans.

September Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge

The September advancement theme is backpacking

Backpacking  – MeritBadgeDotOrg


For the meeting on September 11, please bring your backpack packed with what would be required for a Fall camping trip.  We will review how they are packed.

September Camping

The September outing is a dump camp and mountain biking at Big South Fork (Sep 23-24).

Court of Honor

The next semi-annual Court of Honor will be September 18th with the pot-luck dinner starting at 7 PM.  Please bring a main dish and a side to feed you family plus four more.  We will have a family style dinner followed by awards and announcements.

New Photos Posted



There are no new picture posted this month.

If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul

Troop 224 – Aug ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a parent meeting Monday night to discuss upcoming plans.

August Advancement Theme

Camping Badge

The August advancement theme is camping

Camping  – MeritBadgeDotOrg


August Camping

The August outing is canoeing and camping (Aug 26-26). The destination is TBD.

Regatta Fundraiser Service Days

The troop will be supporting the Masters Nationals regatta August 17-20th.  Our tentative job will be Stake Boat Holders, to hold the boats in position at the start of each race.  There will be more information and a sign-up sheet at the meeting.


New Photos Posted

Red River Gorge Summer Camp 1, June 2017

Red River Gorge Summer Camp 1, June 2017



Red River Gorge Summer Camp 2, June 2017

Red River Gorge Summer Camp 2, June 2017



Red River Gorge Summer Camp 3, June 2017

Red River Gorge Summer Camp 3, June 2017





Troop Calendar

The calendar events for August are available online.  Future calendar events will be available later this week.

How to include Troop calendar in to your personal calendar


If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul

Troop 224 – Jun ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a short parent meeting Monday night to update on the summer camp and regatta in August.

June Calendar

June Calendar

Events in June on the Troop Calendar

Skills and advancement.
Physicals for those going to Summer Camp

June 12th

Skills and advancement.
Partner assignment and gear checkout for those going to Summer Camp

June 19th

Skills and advancement.
Food distribution for those going to Summer Camp

June 24th – July 1

Summer Camp at the Red River Gorge!


June Camping

The June trip is the hiking and climbing at the Red River Gorge

April Fundraising

Future Regatta Fundraiser Service Days Planned

  • August 17th – 19th.
  • Fall regatta schedule TBD

New Photos Posted

Climbing Trip at Black Mountain, May 2017

Climbing Trip at Black Mountain, May 2017

Thank you Piotr Zolnierczuk




If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul


Troop 224 – May ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

We skipped April, but will be having be a parent meeting this next Monday night, May 8th.

May Advancement Theme

Climbing Badge

The May advancement theme is Climbing with Mr. Bailey.

Climbing  – MeritBadgeDotOrg


May Camping

The May outing is rock climbing and camping (May 20-21) at Black Mountain near Crossville. Be sure to sign up at the meeting. Will depart from the church at 7:30AM.   Don’t miss out on the fun.  Below are pictures from the last two trips to Black Mountain.

Rock Climbing Black Mountain – May 2016

Rock Climbing Black Mountain – May 2016




Rock Climbing Black Mountain – Nov 2014




Future Regatta Fundraiser Service Days Planned

There are only 4 events left for these fundraising events opportunities this year. Look for the sign-ups at the next two meetings and get your name down to support the troop while earning funds towards your troop expenses.

  • May 13-14, 9am-2pm both days
  • May 20, 9am-1pm
  • August 17-20, 9am-5pm, days worked TBD
  • October 21, 9am-5pm

Summer Camp at the Red River Gorge

Summer is just about here and it is time to sign up for the Red River Gorge trip.  The trip will be from June 24th through July 1st.  The application and details can be found here.  The forms can be mailed to Mr. Hubbard or given directly to him at the May 15th or later meeting.

New Photos Posted

Cades Cove, April 2017

Biking and Camping at Cades Cove, April 2017



If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul


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