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Troop 224 – Dec ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a parent meeting Monday night, December 4th, to discuss upcoming plans.

December Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge

The December advancement theme is winter camping

Winter Camping  – MeritBadgeDotOrg


September Camping

The December outing is a backpacking trip to Grayson Highlands State Park .

The 224 adults are tracking the weather for this upcoming weekend to Mount Rogers.  The trip will remain as scheduled unless the roads are unsafe.  At that point we will reevaluate our destination. Please ensure you boys pack accordingly for the trip as there could be below freezing temperatures. This will be a great weekend to be out and we will ensure everyone has the gear they need.  If you are going you MUST bring your pack tonight (Dec 4th). 

Christmas Holiday Break

Image result for boy scouts christmasNo, we will not be holding our weekly meeting on Christmas night or New Years day!   Enjoy celebrating the holiday with your family.





New Photos Posted

There are no new picture posted this month on the website photo album.

If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul

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