Category: Event
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be the monthly 30 minute meeting Monday Feb 5th 7 PM for committee members and parents.
February Advancement Theme

The February advancement theme is Citizenship and Cycling.
Cycling – MeritBadgeDotOrg
February Camping
The January trip will be a backpacking trip to Big Hump on Feb 17-18.
Court of Honor
The next semi-annual Court of Honor will be February 12th with the pot-luck dinner starting at 7 PM. Please bring a main dish and a side to feed you family plus four more. We will have a family style dinner followed by awards and announcements.
New Photos Posted
Sorry! There are no new pictures this month. Get those cameras out.
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul
Scouting for Food

All Scouts, Leaders, and Parents needed!
Scouting for Food bag distribution is Saturday, Jan 27th from 9 AM- noon?. Meet Mr. Sorah at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity.
Troop 224 collects food donations from. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing as needed. Maps and bags will be provided.
Scouting for Food bag collection and food sorting is Saturday, Feb 3rd starting at 10 AM. Meet Mr. Sorah at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing. Maps will be provided.
This annual collection supports the food pantry at Grace Lutheran for many months and is critical to our community. Scouts will earn service hours for rank advancement. Somewhere among your layers of clothing, wear a Class A shirt.
Remember – Many hands make light work! Thanks in advance for your support.
Ski Trip Payment

This years ski trip will be a one day trip on Feb 10 to Cataloochie Ski Resort in Maggie Valley, NC. If you have not paid, please bring your payment to the meeting next Monday, Jan 29th. Cash or check, made out to Troop 224.
Lift ticket/ski or snowboard rental/lesson- $82
Helmet-$7. All scouts must wear a helmet
Bib/jacket set-$16
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be the monthly 30 minute meeting Monday at 7 PM for committee members and parents.
January Advancement Theme

The January advancement theme is Orienteering.
Orienteering – MeritBadgeDotOrg
January Camping
The January trip will be a backpacking trip to Big South Fork for Orienteering on Jan 20-21.
New Photos Posted
Sorry! There are no new pictures this month. Get those cameras out.
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul
Scouting for Food

All Scouts, Leaders, and Parents needed!
Scouting for Food bag distribution is Saturday, Jan 27th from 9 AM- noon?. Meet Mr. Sorah at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity.
Troop 224 collects food donations from. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing as needed. Maps and bags will be provided.
Scouting for Food bag collection and food sorting is Saturday, Feb 3rd starting at 9 AM. Meet Mr. Sorah at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing. Maps will be provided.
This annual collection supports the food pantry at Grace Lutheran for many months and is critical to our community. Scouts will earn service hours for rank advancement. Somewhere among your layers of clothing, wear a Class A shirt.
Remember – Many hands make light work! Thanks in advance for your support.
Ski Trip Sign Up

This years ski trip will be a one day trip on Feb 10 to Cataloochie Ski Resort in Maggie Valley, NC. We need 15 people to reserve the group rate. No experience necessary. Snow conditions are great this year. An information and application form will be available soon.
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be a parent meeting Monday night, December 4th, to discuss upcoming plans.
December Advancement Theme

The December advancement theme is winter camping
Winter Camping – MeritBadgeDotOrg
September Camping
The December outing is a backpacking trip to Grayson Highlands State Park .
The 224 adults are tracking the weather for this upcoming weekend to Mount Rogers. The trip will remain as scheduled unless the roads are unsafe. At that point we will reevaluate our destination. Please ensure you boys pack accordingly for the trip as there could be below freezing temperatures. This will be a great weekend to be out and we will ensure everyone has the gear they need. If you are going you MUST bring your pack tonight (Dec 4th).
Christmas Holiday Break
No, we will not be holding our weekly meeting on Christmas night or New Years day! Enjoy celebrating the holiday with your family.
New Photos Posted
There are no new picture posted this month on the website photo album.
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul
This Workshop has been cancelled for the October 28th date. Look for it to be offered again in the Summer and perhaps in the Fall of next year.
Download Liability Form Here
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be a parent meeting Monday night, Sept 11, to discuss upcoming plans.
September Advancement Theme

The September advancement theme is backpacking
Backpacking – MeritBadgeDotOrg
For the meeting on September 11, please bring your backpack packed with what would be required for a Fall camping trip. We will review how they are packed.
September Camping
The September outing is a dump camp and mountain biking at Big South Fork (Sep 23-24).
Court of Honor
The next semi-annual Court of Honor will be September 18th with the pot-luck dinner starting at 7 PM. Please bring a main dish and a side to feed you family plus four more. We will have a family style dinner followed by awards and announcements.
New Photos Posted
There are no new picture posted this month.
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be a parent meeting Monday night to discuss upcoming plans.
August Advancement Theme

The August advancement theme is camping
Camping – MeritBadgeDotOrg
August Camping
The August outing is canoeing and camping (Aug 26-26). The destination is TBD.
Regatta Fundraiser Service Days
The troop will be supporting the Masters Nationals regatta August 17-20th. Our tentative job will be Stake Boat Holders, to hold the boats in position at the start of each race. There will be more information and a sign-up sheet at the meeting.
New Photos Posted

Troop Calendar
The calendar events for August are available online. Future calendar events will be available later this week.
How to include Troop calendar in to your personal calendar
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be the monthly 30 minute meeting Monday at 7 PM for committee members and parents.
January Advancement Theme

The January advancement theme is Orienteering.
Orienteering – MeritBadgeDotOrg
January Camping
The January trip will be a backpacking trip to Big South Fork for Orienteering on Jan 20-21.
New Photos Posted
Sorry! There are no new pictures this month. Get those cameras out.
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul
Scouting for Food

All Scouts, Leaders, and Parents needed!
Scouting for Food bag distribution is Saturday, Jan 27th from 9 AM- noon?. Meet Mr. Sorah at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity.
Troop 224 collects food donations from. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing as needed. Maps and bags will be provided.
Scouting for Food bag collection and food sorting is Saturday, Feb 3rd starting at 9 AM. Meet Mr. Sorah at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing. Maps will be provided.
This annual collection supports the food pantry at Grace Lutheran for many months and is critical to our community. Scouts will earn service hours for rank advancement. Somewhere among your layers of clothing, wear a Class A shirt.
Remember – Many hands make light work! Thanks in advance for your support.
Ski Trip Sign Up

This years ski trip will be a one day trip on Feb 10 to Cataloochie Ski Resort in Maggie Valley, NC. We need 15 people to reserve the group rate. No experience necessary. Snow conditions are great this year. An information and application form will be available soon.

The Troop has scheduled this year’s ski trip for Winter Place Ski Resort in West
Virginia for January 27th & 28th. This is a family event and dads, moms, brothers and sisters are also welcome provided they provide their transportation. Similar to last year’s trip, we will meet at GL church at 6:00 PM on Friday and drive to a hotel close to the ski resort. The hotel is a four-hour, all interstate, drive north. We have reserved rooms at the hotel and will house four scouts to a room. Early Saturday morning, we will have a breakfast (included), drive to the resort, check in at 8:00 AM, obtain rentals and then ski until 8:00 PM. After skiing, we will drive the scouts back to the church and should arrive about midnight on Saturday. Prices for outing options, with lunch voucher and lodging, are detailed in the flyer/application form for the event can be found here.
We need to know by Monday Jan. 9th, if your scout, friend, and/or family plans to attend this outing. We also need to know if you will be willing to drive.
Troop 224 Calendar
The Troop calendar for the 2016-2017 is now updated. Further details and possible changes will be made to the calendar over the next couple of months.
How to include Troop calendar in to your personal calendar
August Advancement Theme
August advancement theme is Canoeing.
Canoeing – MeritBadgeDotOrg
August Camping
The August outing will be a canoeing trip on the Clinch River (Aug 27-28) Be sure to sign up at the next meeting. More details will be available
New Photos Posted
There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by some of our leaders that are now also available on the Troop website. Be sure to check them out!
Summer camp backpacking on the Appalachian Trail – June 18th – 25th

Activities planned: Backpacking the first segment of the Appalachian Trail from Springer Mountain north to Unicoy Gap.
What is provided: All meals for backpacking, camp T-shirt, Troop gear (packs, tents, shelters, stoves, fuel, etc.), and safety gear for the activities.
What Scouts and Leaders are responsible for: Suitable clothing and personal gear as defined in the Summer Camping Checklist (to be provided). Participate in 50 miles of training hikes with loaded packs prior to the trip and satisfactorily pass backpack inspection prior to departure.
Parent Assistance needed: We will need parents to provide rides to and from the two trailheads in northern Georgia. Please sign up!
Expected Cost $175 per person. Please pay $75 by April 11 on initial sign up and then $50 by May 9th and balance of $50 by June 6th.
Please see the attachment for the 2016 summer camp sign-up.
Contact Mr. Hubbard for any issues or questions regarding your payment.
More information and a checklist will be available as we get closer to the trip.
Camp Buck Toms Summer Camp

For those wanting additional merit badge opportunities or summer activity. There is one week that is still open to sign up (July 3 – 9). There are a couple of Troop 224 scouts that will be attending that week. Anyone Troop 224 scouts wishing to sign up will need to be with the Provisional Troop 557.
More information can be found here. Time is short and availability is limited.