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Update on Troop Operations

August 23, 2020

Hello Troop Members and Families,

I am writing to provide an update on Troop Operations.  As everyone has seen, the numbers have been rising but are beginning to flatten.  Even though the numbers are beginning to flatten, they are still quite high.

After talking with the Scoutmaster and other leaders, the Troop is going to remain on hold having in-person meetings.  We will take the next two Mondays off and then is Labor Day, which we normally take off.  This approach will give another three weeks to see what happens.  It also allows schools to get fully started and determine what the impact will be on the numbers. 

The next update date will be Monday, September 14.  Until then, continue working on advancements as many are doing.  Reach out if you need anything, the leaders are ready to help.

We will be offering a unique activity this fall during the meeting break.  The Troop has a couple leaders who have their ham radio license and they have agreed to run a distant learning study course for anyone wishing to get their license.  This activity will be available to any troop member or family member interested.  I will be studying along with you.  So, watch for the announcements on the classes.

Keep wearing your mask, washing your hands, and gather only in your own local social pods.  These actions do make a difference.  Together we will get through this challenge and be better on the backside.

If you need anything please ask.  Take care of yourselves and take care of each other.

Jeff Sipes

Troop Committee Chairman

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