
The Troop has scheduled this year’s ski trip for Winter Place Ski Resort in West
Virginia for January 27th & 28th. This is a family event and dads, moms, brothers and sisters are also welcome provided they provide their transportation. Similar to last year’s trip, we will meet at GL church at 6:00 PM on Friday and drive to a hotel close to the ski resort. The hotel is a four-hour, all interstate, drive north. We have reserved rooms at the hotel and will house four scouts to a room. Early Saturday morning, we will have a breakfast (included), drive to the resort, check in at 8:00 AM, obtain rentals and then ski until 8:00 PM. After skiing, we will drive the scouts back to the church and should arrive about midnight on Saturday. Prices for outing options, with lunch voucher and lodging, are detailed in the flyer/application form for the event can be found here.
We need to know by Monday Jan. 9th, if your scout, friend, and/or family plans to attend this outing. We also need to know if you will be willing to drive.
The year 2017 will be another great year for Troop 224! But you need to register first to take part in all of the fun.
Troop dues for calendar year 2017 are $80 per scout. This covers
registration, BSA insurance, Boy’s Life and Troop Operations. Please fill in and return by December 16.
Scout Form
Adult Leaders
The Troop will cover cost for all the Leaders who return the filled
in form indicating intent to be active leader in 2017.
The leader registration fees come from Troop operating funds. Optional, like last year, a small donation of $25 to Troop 224 would help considerably with these and other Troop operating expenses. Please fill in and return by December 16.
Leader Form
Committee / Parent Meeting
There will be the monthly 30 minute meeting Monday at 7 PM for committee members and parents to discuss this upcoming scout year, summer camp, and long-term ideas.
November Advancement Theme

Last months theme was Orienteering. The November advancement theme is First-Aid.
First Aid – MeritBadgeDotOrg
November Camping
The November trip will be camping at Frozen Head State Park.
New Photos Posted
There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by our parents that are now also available on the Troop website. Be sure to check them out!
If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul