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Summer Camp Training Hikes

Adult Sign Up to lead 8-10 mile hike – At least 2 adults per hike

Add yourself to list by sending email to and

Date Adult              
May 12 Mr Z
  Mr Rupp
  Mr Duhammel
  Mr Miller
May 26 Mr Sorah
  Mr McNeely
  Mr Duhammel
  Mr Miller
June 2 Mr Miller
   Mr Hubbard
 Mr Banks
June 9  Mr Hubbard
 Mr Arcangeli
 Mr Banks

Mr Hubbard: I’m also available for several Sunday afternoon hikes (12:30/1:00 to 5:30 say) if any other leaders & scouts would like to do one of more of those.  I would want to do in Haw Ridge and OR Greenways to maximize the hiking time and get in 6-8 miles.

Sundays:   May 6, 20, 27 & June 3.



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